How to ship Electronics like a TV or electronic equipment

We can ship electronics anywhere in the US, plus to and from Canada.
We can help you ship that flat screen TV, ship a stereo to a student in college, ship office equipment to a customer. Our carriers haul electronics for all the major electronic companies and we offer this freight shipping service with low shipping rates.
Proper packaging for:
- large electronics
- electronic equipment
- computer rack, main frame or a plotter printer
- ship an ATM
- computer monitors
- stereo equipment, amplifier or speakers
- flat screen TV or big screen TV
- office electronics or a copier
- mixing board or sound system
- We make electronics shipping easy
How to package
All items must be properly packaged for shipping. You should always have at least 3 inches of packing between to the item and the outside box.
1. Select a box at least 6 inches longer than each dimension of the electronic item you are shipping.
2. Wrap the item in 2 layers of bubble wrap.
3. Put at least 2″ of packing peanuts in the bottom of the box and set item in box.
4. Put any cords or bubble wrapped small items on the side of larger item.
5. Fill the rest of the box with packing peanuts.
6. If item is extremely fragile, you should double box it.
7. Get another box 4 inches larger in each dimension than first box.
8. Put 2 inches of packing peanuts in the bottom and set first box centered inside second box.
9. Fill outside box with packing peanuts and tape shut.